Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks
Scott Kelby
New Riders Press (2009)
In Collection
Softcover 9780321563170
Bestselling author Scott Kelby, Editor of Photoshop User magazine, is back to unlock even more secrets of the most closely guarded special effects. Using his clear, plain-English step-by-step method with tons of beautiful images, readers will see exactly how it's all done. Plus, it's more than just an effects book; it's a tips book, too, with cool new tips and shortcuts scattered throughout the book! Covering the newest and best features of Photoshop CS4, Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks is completely updated! This book's not another rehash of masking, pixels, and file formats, or resolution--it's nothing but the cool stuff that will make the readers', the clients', and the boss's jaws drop!

Product Details
Dewey 006
No. of Pages 384
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Owner Terje Dokken
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